Horse Rental
We have offered riding tours at Sturlureykir for more than 30 years. The reason is simple, we just love it and want to share a fantastic experience with our guests. Riding an Icelandic horse is a adventure and an activity you must try when you visit Iceland. A good horse is a horse that everyone can ride.
We offer short trips and personal service. Our riding tours take approximately one-hour. We start in a riding hall and afterwards we go out for a nice ride along our river. The price is 11500,- isl kr per person.
After riding, everybody will get some refreshments. The horses will get special horse candy and riders will have coffee or hot chocolate. You can also taste our home baked rye bread in the coffeehouse.
Let us know what date and time will suit you best. Bookings can be made in the form to the right or at: sturlureykirhorses@sturlureykirhorses.is